I tell stories.
Here’s mine.

I graduated from the University of Kansas in 2019 with degrees in Journalism and Political Science, but I still feel like a student of life. Storytelling is my way to learn more and teach others about the world. Global society — in all its complexity — is built on one thing: experiences. So I make articles, videos, and podcasts to share them.

I’ve always been a storyteller. Well, at least since age 10, when I spent my free time typing stories into Microsoft Word about Sheriff Cheese, my favorite cheeseburger superhero. But I really leaned into storytelling when I realized its power. After breaking into spoken word poetry in high school, I cultivated a passion for social and environmental issues.

Now I’m just a curious person, trying to make my way in the world (and a career along the way) by asking questions. I’ve realized that if you ask the right ones, you can unlock the unique perspectives that’ll get you excited about what our collective future can look like.

My pronouns are she / her. I’m a proud member of the Cherokee Nation.

Here’s what I’m doing now.


Avant Food Media 👩🏽‍💻

I’m the Creative Director of Avant Food Media,
a KC-based media group for the baking industry.

I guide the look and feel for our brands Commercial Baking and Craft to Crumb. I spend most of my time designing magazines, managing websites, and finding ways to have fun.

The 785 🎥

I’m the co-founder and host of The 785, a video series that shows what’s going on around Lawrence, KS.

I’m using this grassroots project as a platform to represent diverse perspectives across all spaces of my community, like business, arts and culture, food, and beyond.

Personal Development 🌅

People describe me as creative, outgoing, curious, and outdoorsy. But my identity is always evolving.

Right now, I’m pursuing big dreams to expand my horizons, like traveling the world, cultivating a regular mindfulness practice, and making art every day.